Will online weight programs help you keep your weight off?

Doctors across the United States are fighting an uphill battle with many of the patients they see everyday.  As obesity continues to remain a major epidemic in this country, so too does the fight against it. But is there a new way to help all our patients, friends and family members struggling with weight issues?  We recently found an interesting study looking at whether internet protocols could help you loose weight.

According to a study published in the International Journal of Obesity, on average, those involved in programs that combined internet support with some sort of in-person counseling were two pounds lighter than those in programs with no online support.  It appears that the in-person part was important at the beginning but that the online portion was key to maintaining the weight loss.

More and more on-line programs now exist  that have both web or telephone based as well as in-person components.  What this study really shows us is that if you struggle maintaining your weight, participating in an online portion could be of some benefit, but it will take more resolve on your part too.

We do always want to know- what does it cost?  And what kind of support do you get?  These kinds of answers can make a difference. Before you invest your time and money it’s important to find  a program that best fits your needs.