The Issues that Disproportionately Affect African American Smokers

Dr. Phillip Gardiner (left) and Dr. Alan Blum (right)
This weekend on YOUR HEALTH® Adam, Cristy and guest co-host Dr. Elizabeth Parks talk with with Dr. Phillip Gardiner, co-chair of the African American Tobacco Control Leadership and program officer of the University of California smoke and tobacco free fellowship awards and Dr. Alan Blum, founder and director of the University of Alabama Center for the Study of Tobacco and Society, about issues that disproportionately affect African American smokers.

Please tune in! The show will air: 

WCHL 97.9 FM

  • Sunday, September 17, at 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.
  • Monday, September 18, at 6 p.m.

KKAG Retro Radio 88.3 FM

  • Sunday, September 17, at 7 a.m.

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Download the episode from the Carolina Digital Repository

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New Narratives in the Field of Mental Health

This weekend on YOUR HEALTH® Adam & guest co-host Laurel Sisler Will be talking with Dr. Nathaniel Morris, a resident in psychiatry at Stanford University Medical School, about new narratives in the field of mental health.Dr. Nathaniel Morris

Please tune in! The show will air: 

WCHL 97.9 FM

  • Saturday, May 6, at 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.
  • Sunday, May 7, at 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.
  • Monday, May 8, at 6 p.m.

KKAG Retro Radio 88.3 FM

  • Sunday, May 7, at 7 a.m.

Listen to the show!
Download the episode from the Carolina Digital Repository

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Lunch Wars with Amy Kalafa

Amy KalafaThis weekend on YOUR HEALTH®, we’ll be talking with Amy Kalafa, author of Lunch Wars: How to Start a School Food Revolution and Win the Battle for Our Children’s Health about her book. Amy is also the director/producer of the award-winning documentary Two Angry Moms.

Please tune in! We’re on the air:
– Saturday at 9am
– Sunday at 9am & 5pm
– Monday at 6pm & 10pm

Listen to the Show!

Download the episode from the Carolina Digital Repository

What is the “best” method to quit smoking?

We know that over 40 million Americans are addicted to nicotine and want to quit smoking.  Many programs and methods exist to help you… from patches to counseling to internet- but most have only a 10% chance of long-term success.

A new study, published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, looked at whether a web-based smoking cessation program, augmented with personal phone calls, would be improve over the internet program alone, for people who were trying to quit smoking.

The study found that 15% of people who used the combined program with the phone calls, quit smoking.  The web program is a proprietary program that would cost participants in real life $100, and an author of the study has a conflict of interest too, so we are not that enthusiastic.  We also do not expect it to work in real settings like it did in the study.  Further, participants received many more phone calls than typically occur in quitlines around the country.  So buyers be wary.  Also, smokers can call state quitlines around the U.S. at 1-800-quitnow and receive FREE counseling that works in real life as well as this proprietary product.

Aside from what any program may offer to smokers, smokers need social support from both family members and health professionals.  For most people, the best chance of success, one that approaches 30% cessation over the long term, are intensive support from trained tobacco treatments specialists along with individualized medication approaches.  For more information about treatment specialists on nicotine dependence: UNC Nicotine Dependence Program.

A Patient’s Guide to Anesthesiology and Surgery with Dr. David Zvara

David ZvaraThis weekend on YOUR HEALTH™ Dr. David Zvara will join us on A Patient’s Guide to Anesthesiology & Surgery.

Dr. David Zvara is the Chair of Anesthesiology at UNC. He serves on the American Board of Anesthesiology as a senior examiner, as well as on the Board of Directors for the Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiology. He is also a recognized researcher and educator, and is the author of two textbooks.

Please tune in! We’re on the air:

  • Saturday at 9am
  • Sunday at 9am and 5pm
  • Monday at 6pm and 10pm

Listen to the Show!

Download the episode from the Carolina Digital Repository

Show Topics:

National Lung Cancer Screening Trial

Dr. Adam Goldstein shares his thoughts on new data from the National Lung Cancer Screening Trial.

The National Lung Cancer Screening Trial reported this week that CT (CAT Scan) screening reduced lung cancer mortality by 20% in smokers and former smokers screened with the test compared to those who were not (but only got a chest x-ray).  The clinical research was ended early, because the sponsor of the trial, the National Cancer Institute, thought the benefits were too great to continue the research study, particularly because overall mortality for those undergoing screening was also 7% less.  Starting today, hundreds of thousands of smokers across the U.S. and millions across the world will start asking their physicians whether or not they should get regular, annual CT scans of their chest.  Many Radiology Centers across the U.S. have already started promoting CT screening services to smokers, less than 24 hours after the results appeared.

I have three comments:

1) As Clinical Director of UNC’s Nicotine Dependence Program, I have treated thousands of smokers over the years. The number one treatment is not an annual CAT scan to detect lung cancer, but instead, it is to QUIT SMOKING.  Do it now, do it often, do it with friends and family, do it with support from your physician, do it with support from any of the 50 state quitlines throughout the U.S., with free counseling available at 1-800-QUITNOW.  Quitting smoking is the only proven method to lower your risk of contracting all smoking-related illnesses, not just lung cancer.  Even if you successfully treat lung cancer early, if you don’t quit, your risk of dying from that cancer, or getting a second cancer, are really high.  Quitting smoking is the only treatment known to delay the onset of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) or emphysema among heavy smokers.  Quitting smoking reduces your risk of heart attacks by 50% within one year, one of the major causes of death from smoking.

2) For smokers wanting to get CAT scans to potentially diagnose a lung cancer early, many more questions than answers currently exist. For instance, the study only screened heavy smokers between ages 55-74.  Smokers younger than this age undergoing screening may receive no benefit, or it may take 20 CAT scans over 2 decades to pick up the benefit. In fact, estimates are that you would have to screen almost 300 patients annually with annual CAT scans over at least three years smoke to prevent one cancer death. That also means 299 patients will not benefit from this screening. Thus, you need to be aware of the side effects of screening if you as a patient or a physician decide to pursue it.  The false positive rate of CAT scans of the chest in long-time smokers is really high. In the lung cancer trial, 20-60% of patients getting CAT scans had abnormal test results that turned out not to be lung cancer.  For these patients, this may involve getting more CAT scans and biopsies even, unnecessarily.  So, we may expect that for every lung cancer death initially prevented, 150 patients will undergo fairly invasive tests and risk side effects.  These same 299 patients that receive CAT scans receive radiation, and for those who need follow-up studies, they may receive dye that can be harmful.  Receiving multiple scans over multiple years in and of itself raises the risk of cancer.   For all smokers, even those between the ages of 55-74, the chances of getting a false positive result far exceed the chances of it being a true positive.

3) Consider the costs.  To save one life in this study, it will cost over $200,000. Compare that cost to that of smoking cessation, with estimates of $500-$2000 for a successful quitter.  Thus, for every patient that we temporarily save, we will get from 100-400 similar patients to quit smoking, an intervention that pays many more long term dividends. Also, no bad side effects occur to anyone else in smoking cessation.

My bottom line: If you are a heavy, older smoker that still smokes, or recently quit, talk with your doctor about your preferences and their recommendations for you.  Consider the costs of screening, the potential extra radiation, the likelihood of false positives, and the likely absolute chance that you may not benefit, compared to the lower risk of lung cancer and overall mortality if you do have a lung cancer picked up by this method.  Consider how screening for lung cancer will effect your quality of life, and whether you will decide to not quit smoking if your CAT scan is negative?

Another bottom line: If you smoke, quit. Call the UNC Nicotine Dependence Program at (919) 843-1521 or contact us at: for more information about tobacco cessation.