How to Plan for Long-Term Care with Allen Hamm

Allen HammThis weekend on YOUR HEALTH® Adam & Cristy will be talking with Allen Hamm, Founder and President of Superior LTC, about his book, How to Plan for Long-Term Care.

Please tune in! This show will air:
• Saturday, October 26th at 9am
• Sunday, October 27th at 9am and 5pm
• Monday, October 28th at 6pm and 10pm

KKAG Retro Radio 88.7FM
• Sunday, October 27th at 7am

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Download the episode from the Carolina Digital Repository

Show Topics:

  • Research that Matters (min 0-10) clostridium difficile infections, ibuprofen/anti-inflammatory drugs & depression, omega-3s & memory, statewide gun ownership & suicide
  • Conversations with Allen Hamm about his book,  How to Plan for Long-Term Care (min 10-30)
  • House Calls (min 30-40) scoliosis & hip pain, exhaustion & energy level, diet & lowering cholesterol, bruises & hematomas

Do Vitamins boost memory? We Don’t Think So….

Vitamins may be beneficial to many people, and certainly they are a multibillion dollar business.  Most people think that daily vitamins are good for them, even though the data showing benefit for 99% of the population that takes them is truly lacking.  However, do vitamins boost your memory? If so, we would be impressed.  A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition decided to find out.

Researchers looked at 4,500 French men and women from age 40 to 60 who took vitamin and mineral supplements for eight years, to see how it affected their memory.  They then compared this group to a placebo group who took a supplement that did not contain any of these vitamins or minerals.

According to the study they found that the groups that took the supplement and the placebo really ended up performing similarly on most memory tests.  But the ones who got the nutrients did a little bit better on one (of multiple) tests of long-term memory.

We want you to know that we do take this study with a grain of salt (but not a multivitamin) because the differences were small enough that we think they could be explained by multiple testing chances.  We’re not overly impressed, and we do not support the idea that supplements can improve your memory based on this study.  You may need nutrients for optimal memory, but receiving them from a diet that includes fresh fruits, grains and vegetables seems like a better plan to us.

Arrhythmias with Dr. Paul Mounsey

Paul MounseyThis weekend on YOUR HEALTH® Adam & Cristy will be joined by Professor and Director of Cardiac Electrophysiology and Pacing at the UNC School of Medicine, Dr. Paul Mounsey to discuss arrhythmias.

Please tune in! We’re on the air:
– Saturday at 9am
– Sunday at 9am & 5pm
– Monday at 6pm & 10pm
Listen to the Show!

Download the episode from the Carolina Digital Repository