Haiti: Cholera, Antibiotics and Vaccination

Written by Adam O. Goldstein, MD, MPH

This week’s New England Journal of Medicine has three articles on the Haitian cholera epidemic, and radio and newspaper stories are awash in stories blaming the cholera outbreak on U.N. workers from Nepal who passed cholera through infected feces to surrounding villages. I just returned from a medical mission to Haiti, and these media stories inflame already fragile spirits across Haiti, arise passions against most foreigners at a time when outside help is needed more than ever, and obscure the immediate steps needed to save thousands of lives from cholera in the coming month. Plenty of time will exist after lives are saved to assign blame and ask the favorite media questions.

Times are truly desperate in Haiti right now. Eleven months ago, the earthquake killed 250,000, injured 300,000, and left over 1 million homeless. This earthquake hit a country already suffering from severe poverty, corruption, little economic development and even worse infrastructure for basic needs, such as safe housing or clean water. Haiti often ranks at the bottom, 147 out of 147 countries, in the Water Poverty Index. Experts predicted that cholera and other transmissible diseases would hit Haiti, and the only question was when, not if. The start of cholera in October was depressing but not unexpected. When Hurricane Tomas hit Haiti last month, causing flooding and worsening of living conditions, particularly severe for the more than 1,300 displaced-person camps in the country, fragile Haitian public health could not prevent the spread of cholera.

What I saw in Haiti several weeks ago, however, was a public health and NGO health care system that has rapidly mobilized to take advantage of available expertise and resources to treat affected Haitians with cholera, quickly and reliably lowering the death rate with established public health principals of isolation, disinfectants, and oral and IV rehydration, in facilities spread out regionally across affected areas. These cholera treatment camps surely saved tens of thousands of lives. At the same time, few resources are going into solving the problems that caused cholera to emerge, such as establishing nationwide access to clean sanitation and water.

What is needed immediately is a comprehensive plan to reduce cholera transmission (and improve sanitation and potable water) across Haiti, and unfortunately, in neighboring Dominican Republic, where cholera is gaining a footprint. In addition to cholera treatment centers, government officials, NGO’s and UN workers and World Health Organization officials, including those from USAID, should agree and implement a comprehensive plan. A few ideas:

1) Establish in the next two weeks 1,000 smaller, more mobile cholera treatment centers across the country, in addition to larger, regional centers. Cholera treatment centers still rely on Haitians bringing people to the centers- for many in rural Haiti, they cannot get to such centers quickly enough because of poor or any roads and great distances. Thus, smaller, more mobile, centers, need to be set up and distributed more widely, utilizing community health workers and any trained health care personnel- a thousand centers across the country educating and providing oral rehydration salts, water-purification systems, water filters and instructions about hygiene and hand washing.

2) Provide antibiotics to affected family members of cholera victims, or those with diarrhea, that present to all treatment centers. Several safe and relatively inexpensive antibiotics (doxycycline, or azithromycin) are effective in treating the cholera strain circulating in Haiti. Working with pharmaceutical companies to make these antibiotics widely and quickly available to affected family members will prevent new infections and cut in half the severity of existing infections. A win-win will occur, and limiting antibiotics to affected patients and close family members will decrease worries about resistance. Children and pregnant women are most at risk for cholera severe adverse outcomes.

3) Provide country-wide vaccination, starting with those at highest risk, such as family members of all affected patients, and extending outwards.

4) Establish a Haiti Home Health Corps (HHHC), utilizing native workers, starting with community health workers already trained, but also tripling the number of trained workers that can deliver basic health care delivery, such as vaccinations, antibiotics for affected family members, and education on sanitation. People are desperate for jobs and there is plenty to do.

5) Push access to safe water country-wide. I am not an expert, but those experts exist. Let all Haitians know the water plan, both short and over the long term,

I learned when I visited that Haitians are incredibly spiritual, kind and optimistic. Health care leaders across the world, and in particular in Haiti, need to develop and communicate a comprehensive cholera eradication and treatment program in Haiti that will give all of us reason to remain optimistic moving forward.

Haiti: Health, healing, cholera and habitation

Up at 4:00 am, and arrived in Haiti direct flight from Miami.  Transitiono as stark as the landscape. Flying in over massive tent cities. “Tents” of course misnomer, as most are collections of plastic, wood, metal and twine. Homes and health are always linked.

Traveling on behalf of Jewish Healthcare International, we (2 family physicians, an opthamologist, a surgeon and an ob-gyn) on ground with Haiti Project Medishare, site visit to assess health needs and see what unique long-term assets we can provide.

Airport chaotic but organized in its madness. Our host found us quickly and off to Bernard Mavs hospital in Port-au-Prince. A series of small buildings converted to hospital, ICU, PICU, OR, each with 3-6 beds, hot, busy, IVF’s flowing.  Scared and sick families. Facilities for cholera set-up and operating. Four cholera patients, two died because they were brought there too late. Hundreds waiting to be seen. Multiple needs- no Ct, no vent, not enough special needs wheelchairs  An amazing telemedicine facility donated but seeming empty.  Great assets- dedicated and heroic personnel and volunteers. Three successful surgeries last night alone.

Two hours to get out of city, rubble everywhere but improving, few homes intact. As we get out of Port-au-Prince, roads get worse but the one story stone huts and homes are intact.  People everwhere. Images searing like the heat. Schoolchildren everywhere at high noon in their uniforms.

We stop in the lower plateau, at a Cholera Treatment Center, in Mirebalais. Set up by Partners in Health and Project Medishare only one week ago, it is a lesson in collaboration, science and compassion. Today, 25-30 cases of cholera being treated. Multiple small tents. Each with a purpose.  All staffed by locals. A great and life-saving public health model. Oral rehydration tents. IVF tents. Disinfectant tents.

How did this success story come about in a one week? Dedicated Hatian NGO and Ministry leaders pn the ground, support by Spain Doctors Without Borders for Cholera protocols, Ireland for disinfectant gear, Cuba for special Cholera cots with holes for stool, Israel for water purification.

You will read about riots today as resentment grows about a possible link to Nepalese soldiers in U.N. linked to Cholera source. You won’t hear much about the true heroism on the ground.

Tomorrow, I will blog about care in rural Haiti. Wednesday about some of our ideas.

Adam Goldstein, MD, MPH