5 Useful Tips on Internet Safety from Neil Berman

5 Useful Tips from Neil Berman:

  1. Use the Safe Search features in Google, Yahoo and Bing, which restrict mature content from showing up in search results. YouTube has a similar feature.
  2. Keep home computers in family areas with screens pointed into the room. Agree boundaries with children about what’s appropriate and what’s not appropriate to view on the Internet.
  3. If you want to introduce usage time limits for children at home, Windows 7 and Mac computers come with this feature. Find it in the Parental Controls section of the Control Panel (Windows) or System Preferences (Mac).
  4. If you’re concerned that you made Facebook posts Public by mistake, there is a way to restrict all of your historical posts to Friends only. Follow the option in your Facebook privacy settings called ‘Limit the Audience for Past Posts’.
  5. Change passwords often, or immediately if you suspect a password has been used by an unauthorized person.