Biofeedback- Mind over Matter?

Three questions:

1)      Do you know any child with leakage of urine or incontinence of bladder, or constipation?

2)      Do you know anyone who believes that biodfeedback, regulating your body with your mind, is valuable to help live a healthier life?

3)      Do yo know a kid who likes to play video games?

Well, if you (or your children) would answer yes to any of the above three questions, we have a great research study to share.  This research, in the Journal of Urology, shows that biofeedback is a useful method to help young children who wet their pants or leak urine, even those with constipation. 

These kids can learn to control such problems better than if they do not use biofeedback.

Researchers published a study looking at animated biofeedback, using video game technology and pictures of animals, with kids to teach them the biofeedback technique of controlling the muscles of their pelvis. Half the kids (8-9 years old) had multiple sessions of animated feedback and half got the traditional messages about behavior change and diet.  Kids in the animated biofeedback improved a great deal, reducing their bed wetting from 28% to 8%, more than the traditional approach.

These kids did not experience any bad side effects or bad drug reactions, although we do not know if this technique can be taught more widely in our current health care system without changes in health reimbursement and insurance.  But, we strongly support more research and exploration of this safe alternative that might help these children and their families.