Body Proteins & Disease with Dr. Avram Hershko

Dr. Avram HershkoThis weekend on YOUR HEALTH®, we’ll be talking with Biochemist at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology & Winner of 2004 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, Dr. Avram Hershko  about Body Proteins & Disease.

Please tune in! This show will air:
• Saturday, September 22nd at 9am
• Sunday, September 23rd at 9am and 5pm
• Monday, September 24th at 6pm and 10pm
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Show Topics:

  • Research that Matters (min 0-10): weight loss & legislation, speech therapy for stuttering, rumors about cancer & your health, almonds as a healthy snack
  • Conversations with Dr. Avram Hershko about Body Proteins & Disease (min 10-33)
  • House Calls (min 33-43): Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome & IUDs, supplements: too much of a good thing?, strong immune systems, cortisone injections

If you’re a woman who knows she needs to improve her lifestyle, reading this might help you start TODAY!

Sudden Cardiac Death, or SCD, is responsible for over 50% of deaths that are associated with overall cardiac mortality.  But is there a way to adjust your lifestyle so that you may lower your risk of SCD?

According to a study done in The Journal of the American Medical Association there are important changes you can make to avoid SCD.  We’ve talked frequently about the importance of exercise and eating a healthy diet, but this article actually looked at how these particular things could affect the risk of sudden cardiac death among women, a disease that is likely under-recognized as a major cause of death in women.

There are four very important lifestyle choices a woman can make to avoid SCD.  All women (and men!) should eat properly; this includes a Mediterranean diet consisting of fruits, veggies, nuts and beans. Women should also maintain a healthy weight (a BMI between 20-25), avoid smoking (and any tobacco use), and exercise on a daily basis (walk, swim, bike, run, elliptical).

Together, those four lifestyle factors produce a 92% decrease in the risk of sudden cardiac death. That’s a hugely significant difference, without any kind of drugs or risks.  We absolutely prescribe this lifestyle change for everyone, this includes men too!

Ear, Tonsil and Sinus Infections in Children

This weekend on YOUR HEALTH, UNC’s Chief of the Division of Pediatric Otolaryngology, Dr. Amelia Drake will talk with Adam and Cristy about ear, tonsil, and sinus infections in children.

Listen to the show!

Download the episode from the Carolina Digital Repository